When our body’s water levels dip below critical, we experience a variety of symptoms. From dehydration to skin problems, summer sun exposure and heat all combine to make this the perfect time for dehydration. If you’re experiencing dizziness, fatigue or other problems while getting ready for work, it’s probably not your skin! Instead, it’s probably your thirstiest moment—and the best time to drink plenty of water. As with everything else in life, the better you hydrate yourself during the summer season, the more refreshed you’ll be. Therefore, we at 16Sight Vision Keepers advise you to:
Stay hydrated
Remember that summer is all about drinking plenty of water. The harder you keep working, the more your body will require water as it burns off all the fat and calories you’ve eaten so far that day. One of the most effective ways to stay hydrated during the heat of the day is to drink lots and lots of water. Water is a great thing to drink when you have a hangover the next day. It helps your body stay cool, reduce your risk of developing heatstroke and can also help with pre- and post-exercise muscle and neurological recovery. Water is also packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are great for your body, mind and neck and back!
Don’t over drink
You’ve probably put on a bit of weight in the past year or so, and now drinking a large glass of water with your morning coffee is one of the best ways to get your fill. Not only is water better for you than coffee and tea, it’s also packed with antioxidants and will help prevent your body from getting dehydrated and muscles from becoming sponges for water. This is ideal for hot and humid summer days. You can also try drinking water with a drop or two of lemon or lime juice.
Eat well
Although you can’t stop the summer sun from attacking your skin, it does mean that you must be more prudent with your eating during this time. You want to make sure that you are eating properly, and in the right quantities, to avoid becoming too hungry and being tempted to go overboard. A healthy portion of vegetables is a great way to go about this. While you should be careful with the portion size of meat and fish because they will both contain salt and fat, you should be sure to eat enough protein too. Lean, muscle-bound fish such as tuna and sardines are very healthy choices and can provide a good amount of protein for you.
Keep on top of your skincare routine
Although all summer long you should be cleansing and moisturizing your skin, it’s important to keep this routine up long-term, too. Your skin shouldn’t be dry or flakey when you’re in the middle of a heatwave or out at the beach. It needs all the help it can get, so don’t just throw it in the wash and forget it. For success in the sun, you have to keep your skincare routine up to date. We recommend that you adopt the following routines for your skin:
– Water and oil cleanses ( basic)
– Moisturizes ( moderate)
– Protects ( maximum)
– Avoiding UV rays ( maximum)
– Don’t forget to drink plenty of water during the day.