L shaped Allen Keys are narrow hexagonal shafts that are used to fasten and loosen corresponding fasteners. The hexagonal screws and bolts were designed to provide a fastener that did not protrude and are used mostly for machinery, engines or bicycles when a pulley, chain or belt may get damaged. They are also commonly used for assembling kit set furniture and provide a flush screw when completed.
Before you choose your set of Allen Keys, make sure you avoid these common errors:
In spite of the fact that hexagonal shaped screws were patented both before and after W. G. Allen patented his, the Allen key name has become synonymous with the hex key. The names hex wrench, Allen wrench, hex key and Allen key all refer to the same tool.
There are several models of Allen key that you can choose from, according to the type of job. The most common is the L-shape, which can come with a shallower curve for tight spaces. A ball end is useful for holding the screw while it is inserted into place and a T-handle provides extra torque when tightening or loosening the fastener. Straight Allen keys come fitted into a handle like a screwdriver for more precision. You can also opt for a hex-plus which has a concave curve at the end of the shaft and is helpful for removing fasteners with damaged ends or a folding Allen key which contains a full set folded into a handle in the manner of a pocket knife for extra convenience.
Allen keys are available in imperial and decimal measurements so make sure you match your tools to the screws you need to fasten or loosen.
Check the packaging for the range of sizes included in a set. Each key will also be stamped with its individual size. It is important to get the right size Allen key for the job otherwise it will be too large to fit or too small to provide adequate leverage.
Allen keys need to withstand a fair bit of pressure so make sure you purchase a set that is constructed from hardened steel or hardened steel alloy. A chrome finish can help prevent damage to the keys over their lifetime
To maintain your tools well, store your hex keys in a dry and warm container.To keep sets together these tools often come attached to a ring. If not, purchase a pouch to ensure they stay in one place.
Your Allen key will be required to tighten the screws periodically, so keep it in a handy place. Machinery and furniture are subject to wear and tear and retightening the hexagonal fasteners will be necessary to keep them stable and fully functional.
Allen keys come in a wide range of sizes, shapes and designs that offer different properties. For more information about the best Allen keys for your requirements, talk to the experts at