CBD is a naturally occurring compound widely used as a wellness supplement. Whether you take CBD tincture, oil or capsules, taking an appropriate dose is critical to enjoying their beneficial effects. This cannabis-extracted compound is considered a safe cannabinoid; taking it in excessive quantity can ruin the intended benefits and cause undesired side effects.
The following lines shed light on CBD overdosing and its likely effects. The answers to the questions such as can you take too much CBD and what happens when you take too much CBD will help you understand overdosing and related effects.
Can You Overdose On CBD Oil?
Overdosing refers to taking a medication or a drug in more than the recommended quantity. The symptoms of overdosing may vary depending upon a drug or medication; you have taken. The common signs of overdosing include the following.
1- Breathing difficulty
2- Changes in heartbeat
3- Headaches
4- Nausea and vomiting
5- Chest pain
6- Agitation
7- Anxiety
Unlike opioids, CBD overdosing does not affect the brainstem that controls the heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing, body temperature, and digestion. Even high doses of CBD will not activate or significantly affect your physiological parameters. It means you cannot overdose on CBD oil.
Effects of Taking Too Much CBD
What happens if you use too much CBD oil? Taking too much CBD may not result in fatal overdosing and death, but it does not mean there will not be any side effects. The excessive intake of CBD can cause multiple discomforts, which may last for hours. The common side effects of CBD overdosing may include the following.
- Dry mouth
- Drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness
- Diarrhea
- Appetite changes
- Nausea and vomiting
How Much Is Too Much?
Can you have too much CBD? What is the lethal or toxic CBD dose? The answers to these questions are not very clear. A 2017 research review showed that users could tolerate a CBD dosage of up to 1500mg taken at once. It is equivalent to taking a whole bottle of high potency CBD. The users reported no significant side effects after taking a high CBD dosage.
Another study conducted in 2018 examining the human tolerance level for CBD found humans can tolerate increasing doses between 1500 to 6000 mg per day. Some side effects, such as dizziness, diarrhea, and nausea, were noticed, but these were pretty mild and tolerable.
Is CBD Safe?
The lethal dose of CBD falls somewhere around 20,000 mg of CBD, taken all at once. For your reference, the suggested starting dose for several conditions is 5-20 mg per serving.
While a tincture contains 100 to 1500 mg in an entire bottle, taking 13 to 200 bottles of CBD tincture all at once will equal CBD toxic overdosing.
There exists a consensus on the side effects of CBD overdosing among professionals and World Health Organization officials. According to them, large CBD dosages may cause side effects, such as drowsiness, lethargy, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, and other disorienting effects but not death.
It does not imply you should go on testing the CBD toxic dosage. These facts assure that CBD users can experiment with their intake to find a dose that provides optimum effects.
Final Thoughts
CBD is a natural compound that is safe to consume. It would not cause overdose even when you take large doses since it does not affect the brainstem. CBD is a safe cannabinoid that causes mild and tolerable side effects. But if your CBD oil contains other toxic materials and impurities, that might lead to severe side effects.
Only reputable sellers offering CBD products even with great discounts and coupons ensure you products that boast high quality and safety.
Michael Levin is a CBD enthusiast, a researcher, writer, and editor in the cannabis space, and an experienced CBD user, and educator. He believes CBD can help improve our overall health and wellbeing.